Join us on our journey

Hatchery & Breeding

  • We currently breed purebred ducks, chickens, and turkeys.
  • We hatch in house and sell fertilized hatching eggs to hatch yourself.
  • We breed Miniature Potbelly Pigs, Hampshire Meat Pigs, Miniature Donkeys and Miniature Goats.

Click here to learn more about our breeding programs.


  • To keep our costs down, we raise and grow our own food. Collecting eggs, raising our own meat, and grow fruits and veggies in our garden and greenhouse.
  • We buy grain locally and mill our own animal feed.
  • Breeding and hatching creates a revolving income that goes back into purchasing feed, materials and maintenance of our land.
  • We can and dehydrate to preserve what we have grown and bought in bulk. And plan to get into freeze drying in the near future to further extend the shelf life of our stockpile.

Click here to see more.


  • Creating a sustainable and self sufficient homestead is important to us and generating income to support the cause is something I work hard for! Using my design skills is one of those ways.
  • You can find all my homesteading digital products, and print on demand clothing & accessories.

Click here to view our shop.


  • Follow along as we continue our journey of practical self sustainability using modern day skills.
  • Learn tips and tricks, money saving hacks.
  • Learn how to generate income on your homestead.

Click here to view our blog.

Meet the animals

As much as our animals are livestock and provide for us. We do consider them as family and we do everything we can to ensure they are happy, healthy and cared for.

  • Take My Course!

    This is the “Business in a box” course that I took to learn Digital Marketing. One of the main reasons I was able to quit my 9-5 and be able to homestead fulltime was by working online. Between my Social Media Management Business and Digital Marketing I have been able to start my journey to financial freedom.

    Learn More! 
  • Skyrocket your Brand!

    When starting any business you need to create a strong and distinctive brand presence. Our graphic and web design services seamlessly blend creativity and strategy to craft visually compelling logos, marketing materials, and a cohesive brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

    Learn More! 
  • Monetize Homesteading!

    How are you funding your 2024 homestead projects? If you don’t already; make sure you follow my monetize homesteading social media pages where I post everything I know about creating a successful sustainable homestead through income generation.

    Learn More! 

About Us

My name is Jordon, I started a journey of self sustainability January 2023 to have our land work for us. Through growing, breeding & preserving we are successfully maintaining that goal.

Read More…
  • Generating Income

    Keep in mind that homesteads are known to not be an income generating endeavour. But I have found a loop hole and with solid research, planning and execution while starting your homestead you can be well on your way to making money.

    Learn How to Generate Income on Your Homestead 
  • Budgeting & Frugility

    One of the biggest downfalls of homesteading is the high costs in materials, equipment and well…. Life. Shop around, prioritize your projects, and try not to rush the process.

    Download My “Homesteading Monthly Budgeting & Expense Tracker” 
  • Homestead Planning

    I followed this 100% whoops added too many zeros. I meant I followed this 10%. You are starting a new journey, you’re excited, you can have all the animals. BUT that’s backwards and we learnt our lesson. Chicken math will get you… and I’m here to tell you that you need to walk before you can run.

    Are You Ready To Starting Planning Your Homestead?